It started from a festival or feast to celebrate the abundance of food saved/ stored/ grown over a successful spring and summer. With ancient peoples looking at a few months…
Narrated & written by Samael Hain There have been many sightings of Master De'Sheer that have occured around Capel Manor and Forty hall. Listen to his story and have a…
Narrated by Samael Hain & Written by Cameroon and The Samhain Pirates You can visit the setting of this story in Enfield Town behind the grammar school.
A story taken from Enfield that you cannot ignore. Written and narrated by Samael Hain - a Destination Midnight original 2019. The real accounts of number 248, somewhere in the…
A creepy pasta - Written by Adrian Johnson The Freak next door - Adrian Johnson's Creepy Pasta The podcast was produced to kick off the first Destination Midnight Podcasts…