Our mission is to provide the best experience to our users, clients, members and staff. We do this by creating bespoke events, tailored to the venue and theme. Our mission is to entertain children, thrill and ignite their imaginations. We aim to scare the wits out of the accompanying adults.

The vast majority of our props are built by our creative team using recycled materials, our mission is to be sustainable, rather than sending rubbish to a land fill every year after each completed event. If we purchase anything that is brand new, we make sure we keep it for a long time and get as much use out of it as possible.

The Team

We consist of artists, musicians, athletes and designers, those are the important qualities that enable and qualify us to deliver a high quality product you won’t find anywhere else, our mission is Halloween/ Samhain all year round. Our members represent all walks of life and experience the many areas of the human condition.